In today’s rapidly changing professional landscape, staying ahead means more than just keeping up with the latest trends—it requires a commitment to continuous learning and personal growth. 

In this article, three alumni from our Courses—Anna-Karin, Patricia Ysabel, and Shubhesh Aggarwal—will share stories of their professional journey. Each of them came to Hyper Island with different goals and backgrounds, but they all left equipped with new skills and competences that have played a significant part in the development of their careers. Their journeys show the deep and lasting value of investing in learning.

Anna-Karin’s Journey in Life Sciences and Beyond

A journey of growth and transformation

Anna-Karin began her career as a researcher and university teacher, eventually transitioning into the pharmaceutical industry over 20 years ago. Throughout her professional journey, she has gained diverse experience in sales, marketing, leading cross-functional teams, launching innovative medicines, and driving change and transformation. Her extensive background in Life Sciences led her to seek new opportunities for growth at Hyper Island.


My endless curiosity and passion for learning has always fueled my journey and I love putting new ideas and new ways of working into practice!


Why Hyper Island?

Anna-Karin was first introduced to Hyper Island’s tools and approach while working with Markus Spegel, a Hyper Island alumnus, at Novartis. “Ever since then, I have been wanting to experience the Hyper Island learning environment firsthand”, she says.

Due to the fact that Anna-Karin, at the time, was in a professional transition, the timing for spring 2024 couldn’t have been better.


I decided to invest in not just one, but two courses at Hyper Island: AI for Business, and Hyper Island Facilitation©.


And the journey for Anna-Karin doesn’t stop there; she has set aside funds for a third course this fall. “Even if it takes stepping out from a new job for 3 days, I know already it is an investment that will pay off”.


Personal Experience From The Courses

Anna-Karin joined both the AI for Business and the Hyper Island Facilitation© course with clear learning objectives and very high expectations. She mentioned that even though she had a rough idea of the experience-based learning at Hyper Island, she was honestly blown away.


The experts and facilitators were amazing, and the level of diversity, and the collective intelligence that was unleashed added extra dimensions to the unique experience.


She left the courses feeling inspired, empowered, and equipped with both new knowledge and new connections, with people from all over the world and different industries.

She is echoing a quote from one of her fellow learners, Adrian Tuazon-McCheyne from Melbourne, “Still reflecting, there is so much to unpack”.

Takeaways from the Courses at Hyper Island

Currently, Anna-Karin’s work life entails a mix of exploring new job opportunities, volunteering, coaching, and mentoring. She has made good use of her new HI skill set in numerous ways:


I've built my own ChatGPTs that are making me more efficient as a job seeker. I’ll soon meet up with a new connection from the AI course to discuss AI in Pharma, and I look forward to learning from the AI use cases she has developed. I’m also happy that I can use my process design and facilitation skills in my volunteer work at the board for an Icelandic horse NGO, at the stables where I love spending my free time.


Patricia Ysabel’s Agile Journey in Education

Career Path in Marketing and Sales

Patricia Ysabel has been in the marketing industry for the past seven years and is currently part of the marketing team of an educational network in the Philippines. Since joining the company during the pandemic, she has taken on several roles, from digital marketing and content management to her current position as National Sales Manager. 

Why Hyper Island?

The educational network that Patricia works for has ambitious goals: reaching one million graduates within the next 10-12 years. In order to reach this ambition, Patricia and her team have identified the need for more agile solutions.


Hyper Island has been keen on giving out free workshops and an accessible toolbox (all very value-adding!) to help improve organizations and processes. We were sure that their Agile Ways of Working Course would also be as helpful in leading us to our ambition.


Personal Experience from the Agile Course

Patricia found the course to be extremely valuable, particularly because it wasn’t solely focused on the tech industry: "Since Agile is something mostly used in the tech industry, we wanted to join a program that would be more general rather than technical so we could apply it in other industries", she explains.

One of the most surprising and beneficial aspects of the course was how feedback and reflection were integrated into the schedule, something that truly characterizes Hyper Island’s approach to learning. "I've learned more and retained my learnings for longer because of this. I think that would have been my favorite part, aside from the very insightful discussions we've had."

Shubhesh Aggarwal’s Path from Engineering to Agile Project Management

Career Path in Engineering and Innovation

With a background in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and a strong passion for the human side of innovation, Shubhesh Aggarwal is a Senior Agile Project Manager at Epiroc, a mining and construction equipment manufacturing company. In his role, he focuses on fostering cross-functional collaboration to drive technological innovation and maintain a competitive edge.

Why Hyper Island?

"I first heard about Hyper Island through Simone Giertz’s YouTube videos during my bachelor’s. Knowing she was an alumna sparked my interest”, Shubhesh explains.


I realized Hyper Island’s unique approach was the missing piece I needed.


Personal Experience from the Agile Course

Shubhesh found the Agile Ways of Working course to be incredibly insightful, particularly due to the diversity of participants and practical approach:


Meeting others with an Agile mindset, eager to transform their industries was truly inspiring. Also, Hyper Island’s hands-on and experience-based learning was uniquely impactful. It largely met my expectations.


Takeaways from Hyper Island

One of Shubhesh’s biggest takeaways from the course was the importance of maintaining curiosity and an open mind. He also emphasized the value of retrospective discussions in facilitating team progress and innovation: "Focusing on defining problems before jumping to solutions fosters collaborative discussions and brings in diverse perspectives", he shares. 

The stories of Anna-Karin, Patricia Ysabel, and Shubhesh Aggarwal show how experience-based learning can strongly impact professionals in different industries. They each came with unique backgrounds and goals but left with new skills, insights, and connections that have greatly shaped their professional journey.


Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Explore our courses and find the perfect fit for your professional goals.


Hyper Island
Hyper Island Shape Your Future
Article updated on: 05 September 2024