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Events & Open Houses

Thinking about studying at Hyper Island?
Here are the upcoming events we suggest you attend to gain a better understanding of our programs and courses.

Unfortunately, we currently don't have any new events to offer. Please check back later for updates on our upcoming events.

Liderança Ágil-min
12 February 2025, 15:00 - 16:00 Online
Full-Time Diploma programs: Online Open House
Explore Hyper Island's Full-time Programs at our inaugural online Open House in 2025. Connect virtually with current students and the admissions team to start your journey with ease.
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19 February 2025, 16:00 - 18:00 In person
Onsite Application Task workshop: Hyper Island’s YH Full-Time Programs
Ready to apply to Hyper Island’s Full-time Program in 2025? Don’t miss our interactive workshop, where you’ll get a chance to work on the Application Task. 
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Diploma Programs
25 February 2025, 14:00 - 15:00 Online
What are you future-proofing? Yourself, or the world you live in?
With so many ways to prepare for the future, how can we feel more equipped, confident, and ready to contribute to the success of a role, project, or organization?
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26 February 2025, 11:00 - 13:00 Online
Online Application Task workshop: Full-Time Programs
Ready to apply to Hyper Island’s Full-time Program in 2025? Don’t miss our interactive online workshop, where you’ll get a chance to work on the Application Task. 
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Events & Webinars

Join our global community events.

Unfortunately, we currently don't have any new events to offer. Please check back later for updates on our upcoming events.

Overcoming Barriers - Webinar
06 March 2025, 12:00 - 13:00 Online
Overcoming Barriers

This free webinar is designed to help you reframe the barriers you face and make progress again. We’ll explore how to diagnose your perspective through the power of proximity, look at what antifragility practices can teach us about our leadership approach and expand our circle of influence through the company of others.


Collaborative power unleashed: explore exclusive courses of our esteemed partners.

Unfortunately, we currently don't have any new collaborations to offer. Please check back later for updates on our upcoming collaborations.


Unlock Inspiration Anytime, Anywhere: Dive into Our On-Demand Video Vault.

Why Workplace Conflict is not for HR to Solve
Why Workplace Conflict is not for HR to Solve

A webinar to elucidate the nature of conflict and provide leaders with valuable insights on leveraging it as a pivotal element within their organisations.

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Leading Collaborative Teams in Organizations
This webinar seeks to untangle collaboration in your organisation and equip leaders to more confidently pivot their leadership approach to promote collaboration through trust and clarity in their teams and organisations.
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Online session
Leading Organizations in Complexity

Different types of problems require different approaches to leading. This webinar seeks to help you make sense on how to decide the right approach whether you are facing: Nuanced Problem Solving, Challenging Team Dynamics and Innovation or Crisis Management.

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Online Session
Putting conflict to work
In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business environment conflict is a “feature” not a “bug”. Effectively navigating and resolving conflicts within the workplace has become an essential skill for effective leadership. But how do you manage conflict constructively to enhance team dynamics and performance?
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