In 2019, BNPP partnered with Hyper Island to develop an interactive online program that tailored for their 2500 mid to senior level managers. The purpose of the program was to build confidence, knowledge, and curiosity around digital trends and topics that are influencing their business.


Commissioned by the Leadership and Management team inside BNP Paribas, we were tasked to help them develop more knowledge, confidence, and a sense of urgency towards digital topics for up to 2500 middle to senior leaders globally across the company. No internal platform was available to deliver the program and there was a time constraint of just two learning hours per week. Almost all existing online learning experiences relate to mandatory e-learning for topics such as regulatory compliance.


During the learning design phase, we worked with the Leadership and Management team and a range of internal stakeholders to investigate the needs of the target audience regarding both the program topics and how they prefer to learn. We then co-created the focus of the program before building it and testing it during a pilot. This was followed by iterations that were made from cohort to cohort as we continued to deliver the program over a two-year period.


An seven-week program with online learning and offline doing to develop knowledge and application of the key digital technologies impacting the industry, society, and your business area.

Learn the critical implications of these technologies and how to start experimenting with them.

650+ participants
6 practical tasks 


Result and Impact

“The tasks are really interesting. Having something to ‘do’ instead of only reading”

“The live sessions were great. We had meaningful and very open exchanges, and the guests were very interesting.”

“The learning kits and videos were an eye-opener for me.”

Hyper Island
Hyper Island Shape Your Future
Article updated on: 19 June 2024