Commuting to work on a sunny late August morning. I love cycling and used to commute by bike even during the cold and snowy winter months, which we have, by the way 8 in a year. But as my journey nowadays takes some 30 minutes, I give myself some mercy and catch a bus when I feel like it.
It is my third week at Ellun Kanat. New job, new office, new route. Great new job, perfect location, beautiful route!
Transformation: from cyclist to consultant in 5 mins. Changing my ugly but hi tech cycling glasses to normal ones makes a huge difference. Cup of coffee and then last minute check up on workshop presentation and materials. Also trying to find my way to the correct room.
Strategy workshop with a client. We are working on a super interesting change project, which I jumped along on day 1 after joining the company.
We work in autonomous teams, built around projects or client cooperation. As account director my role usually is to lead the team and be the first point of contact to the client. This means I have several teams and even more colleagues to work with. I must say I am impressed by how sharp and professional my new workmates are. I feel like I am constantly learning something new. That’s great and even a bit exhausting, but definitely on the positive side.
I can’t go into detail on the workshop, but I did use some of my favourite Hyper Island tools, including a check in and forgetting to check out… but there was some intense, positive challenging and excellent dialogue. The session for useful both for our team and the client. We have great content to use for the next steps of our strategy work.
Quick lunch. So many new, tempting lunch places nearby, often too little time to explore!
Brainstorming a creative concept idea for a client. Coming up with an idea that really stands out in this world of millions of messages is not always easy. Our clients expect us to really challenge them – Ellun Kanat is an agency which does not settle for ok. This means that we go that extra mile to get the best results.
A meeting with a colleague, one of many briefing sessions regarding the Ellun Kanat way of working.
Afternoon / evening
Gym time with my husband! We have two children and going to the gym together is precious.
Although this time the training session was shorter than expected as a member of staff threw me out. Reason: training barefoot. I was guilty as charged and had to leave. Oh joy. So we went for pints instead.
Then home, mum role on, the usuals and zzz.
A day less hectic than Tuesday!
Working on the new business presentations discussed yesterday. Also a quick preparation for a telco with another potential client.
Lunch with a friend. Trying to find time to actually meet people other than colleagues and family is not always easy. Luckily there’s breakfast and lunch time!
Team meeting to go through and share first ideas and thoughts on the strategy workshop we held yesterday.
Telco with a potential client with a new fun colleague. We wore similar stripey t-shirts and have matching haircuts and were happy it was not a video meeting. Or sad. Not sure.
Catching up on emails, Slack, admin stuff. The things left hanging.
Evening well spent at home.
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