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08:30 CET
14 MARCH 2024

Dive into the cutting-edge world of Neuroleadership - where science meets leadership

HI COMMUNITY x TAG Breakfast mixer #1

Hyper Island x TAG logo Group 241 black

Discover the power of understanding the human brain and its impact on collaboration and leadership.

Motion Creative

About the Session

Neuroleadership is powerful to understand because it provides a scientific foundation for effective leadership practices. By integrating neuroscience principles into leadership strategies we create a positive work environment and drive better organizational outcomes.


You will get to know practical tools, techniques, and frameworks that align with the latest advancements in leadership science.


Is this for you? 


If you are a senior executive, decision maker, or a leader seeking innovative leadership strategies, yes! If you are a professional interested in applying neuroscience to enhance leadership effectiveness, yes! If you are looking to foster a positive work environment and improve outcomes in your organisation, yes!

Main Takeaways

Enhanced Leadership Skills: Insight into how neuroscience principles can make you a more effective leader.

Improved Organisational Climate: Strategies to create a more positive and productive work environment.

Cutting-Edge Knowledge: Access to the latest advancements in leadership science for practical application.



14 March, 2024


1 hour


08.30-09.30 CET 


In Person



Talent Garden Copenhagen
Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 41, 1434 København, Denmark


Doors 08.15- 10.00 (Coffee/tea and warm croissants is served from 08.15)


Åsa Norell
Partner at Hyper Island, The Park and Strawberry Planet. Founder and Facilitator at The Collaboration Lab.

Åsa Norell was a part of the foundational team at Hyper Island. The predominant focus today is to work with management groups and leadership programs within business and NGOs, development programs for community leaders (politicians, activists, actors in civil society) and leadership programs for young global leaders with a focus on human rights. She is a neuroscience nerd and has studied neuroscience in business at MIT and at the Neuroleadership Institute in New York.

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