Appreciation Train
Time Frame
60-120 min
Group size
Facilitation lvl
Comfort zone

Step 1
Introduce the exercise by explaining that this is a fast and fun method of giving appreciative feedback. Everyone will give feedback to everyone else in the group, and the feedback will be positive: What I appreciate about you is…
Explain that it’s a slightly tricky process to get right, but that if they follow the instructions it should go smoothly.
Step 2
Split the group exactly in half and put the halves in two lines, with each person facing a partner in the other line. If you have an odd number of people then one person should stand at one end without a partner.
Step 3
Call one line Left and one Right. Explain that the people on the left will have 30 seconds to give feedback to their partner. You will shout SWITCH, they will then switch and the partner on the right will give feedback to the partner on the left.
Remember that they should start their feedback with: What I appreciate about you is...
Step 4
When both lines have given feedback you will shout MOVE. Everyone takes a step to their left, and should be facing a new partner.
It is useful to imagine the two lines as a chain, with the people at the end of each line moving round to the other line. If done properly, everyone will have partnered and given feedback to everyone else.
Depending on the number of people in the group, you will find that sometimes there may be a person standing at one end, or both ends, with no partner. This always happens. Ask them to stand and reflect for a moment, before moving to their next partner the next time you say move.
Step 5
When everyone has finished bring the group back together for a short discussion about how they felt giving and receiving feedback.
If for any reason people missed giving or receiving feedback, you can invite them to do this after the session.