Team Retrospective
Time Frame
30-60 min
Group size
Facilitation lvl
Comfort zone
Sticky notes
Step 1
A retrospective meeting is a great opportunity for the whole team to get together, discuss what worked well and to uncover any problematic issues, and have an open discussion about how to work better together next time.
Laptop users: click to view larger retro board
Pre-task: Create a retrospective board on a whiteboard (virtually or face-to-face).
Set the stage
Welcome everyone and establish the rules of engagement:
-Embrace a positive attitude of continuous improvement and share whatever you think will help the team improve.
-Don't make it personal, don't take it personally.
-Listen with an open mind, and remember that everyone's experience is valid.
-Clarify the scope of your discussion – is it the workshop that was delivered with the client? That last sprint? The last week? Since the project started? Be clear how far back you're going to go.
-Encourage the team to embrace a learning mindset, stay away from blaming & shaming.
Step 2
What worked well?
Start the session on a positive note.
Have each team member use sticky notes to write down what they feel worked well (one idea per sticky).
Cluster similar or duplicate ideas together.
Discuss your ideas briefly as a team.
Step 3
What could be improved?
Have each team member use sticky notes to write down what they feel could be improved (one idea per sticky).
Cluster similar or duplicate ideas together.
Discuss your ideas briefly as a team.
Remind your team that this is about actions and outcomes – not about specific people.
Step 4
Action Items/Next steps
Having identified what could be improved, what concrete actions can the team take to improve those things?
Place ideas on the board, group them and then discuss as a team.
Agree to which actions you will take as a matter of priority, and assign owners and a due date to get them done.
Consider using the Who/What/When matrix.