Sync Claps
Time Frame
5-30 min
Group size
Facilitation lvl
Comfort zone
Step 1
The group stands in a circle.
Step 2
One person starts (person A). They turn to the person next to them (person B) and the two clap at the same time, while making eye contact, as synced as possible. Person B then turns to person C and they clap at the same time. The clap continues like this around the circle. The group should try to pass the clap more and more quickly with as many perfectly synchronized claps as possible.
Step 3
When the group has mastered the above, introduce the double clap. When a pair claps twice, the direction of the clap reverses. This presents a challenge, as pairs must non-verbally agree whether to clap once or twice. The group must be highly focused and attentive to each other for the clap to continue smoothly around the circle in this step.