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Time Frame

5-30 min

Group size


Facilitation lvl


Comfort zone


In this short and very physical energizer, the group shakes out their bodies one limb at a time. Starting with eight shakes of the right arm, then eight shakes of the left, eight shakes of the right leg, then eight shakes of the left. It continues with a round of four shakes of each limb, then two, then one, ending in a big cheer. A good energizer when time is limited and the main aim is to get people moving.



Step 1

The group stands in a circle. Everyone should have an arm’s length of space on either side of them.

Facilitator notes:

This energizer is short and efficient. For it to be effective, the person leading it needs to role model a high level of energy.

Step 2

The group performs the “shake down” all together, counting loudly together as they go.

First, 8 shakes of the right arm, 8 shakes of the left arm, 8 shakes of the right leg, and 8 shakes of the left leg. Each time, counting “1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8!”

Next, 4 shakes of each limb. Then 2 shakes of each. Then 1 shake of each.

The shake down ends with a loud cheer and a big ninja kick in the air.
