Rollercoaster Check-In
Time Frame
30-60 min
Group size
Facilitation lvl
Comfort zone
Flipchart Paper/Whiteboard
Step 1
Gather the group in a horseshoe around a flipchart/whiteboard. Explain the purpose of a check-in if necessary, that it’s an important tool to take the group’s emotional temperature, to uncover any fears, concerns, or needs. Explain that this is a method to explore the whole group’s feelings in a playful and visual way.
Step 2
Draw a wavy line across the entire flipchart/whiteboard that resembles a basic rollercoaster with loops, steep sections, and shallow sections.
Step 3
Explain that we are going to draw ourselves on the rollercoaster, depicting how we feel right now, then share that feeling with the group. We’ll do this one-by-one, either in order around the horseshoe or at random.
Step 4
Give each participant as much time as you think is necessary and practical. It can be as little as one word, or as much as 5-10 minutes.
Step 5
When everyone has checked-in, if there is time then look at the rollercoaster as a whole group and share/discuss any thoughts that emerge.