Letter to Myself
Time Frame
5-30 min
Group size
Facilitation lvl
Comfort zone
Step 1
Hand out pens and postcards/writing paper. Explain that they are going to write a letter to their future selves, and that this will help them apply their insights and learnings from the workshop/program.
Tell them that you will post the card/letters in X number of months, and that they should take that into account when writing them. You can define the timeframe with the group.
Step 2
Write a focus question or prompts on a flipchart/whiteboard. These can either be defined by you, or through discussion with the group. For example:
- What will I achieve by X date?
- What will I do tomorrow, next week, next month?
- How do I feel now about my work/job/team? And how do I want my future self to feel?
- Don’t forget…
- I want to change… because…
Give them around 10 minutes to complete their cards/letters. More if they need time and you are flexible.
Step 3
Collect the cards/letters, put them in a safe place, and post them on the agreed date.