I Like | I Wish | I Wonder
Time Frame
5-30 min
Group size
Facilitation lvl
Comfort zone
Step 1
The format can be used for groups as small as a pair and as large as 100.
The simple structure helps encourage constructive
For example:
- “I like how we broke our team into pairs to work.”
- “I wish we would have met to discuss our plan before the user testing.”
- “I wonder how we might accelerate our process if we got new team members up to speed with a hack-a-thon?”
Online Template link (Miro)
Step 2
Choose a topic for feedback. This could include things like:
- On a prototype you've just created
- Design work (a design, marketing materials, concepts, a workshop idea, etc.)
- A purpose, vision, or strategy
- Workshop and meeting feedback
- Feedback to each other
- Etc..
Step 3
Write: I Like, I Wish, and I Wonder
Depending upon how you will structure it depending upon your group size - either at tables of @6-10 (if you are working with a large group) or in the whole group if it's a smaller group...
Allow each participant 3-5 minutes to fill out one sticky note for each heading.
Online Instruction: Use breakout rooms in place of tables. Consider using Hyper Island's template on Miroverse.
Step 4
Speak your Feedback
and place it under the appropriate heading
Give each person about a minute to speak their feedback.
Have each person verbalize their feedback one-by-one as they place it on the flip chart(s) or virtual whiteboard - under the appropriate heading.
- either at each table of @ 6-10 people (for larger groups), or on the main flip chart(s) - if working with one group.
- Online instruction: either work on a virtual whiteboard in each breakout rooms (ie: create frames [a board] for each group) in breakout groups of @6 people, or if a smaller overall group, use one main virtual whiteboard.
Feedback is best given with I-statements - it has us own our own perspective, rather than putting it on the other person.
Specifically this simple tool empowers open feedback.
- “I like” is a starting point for what went well or what is positive about an idea.
- “I wish” is a starting point for what could be done differently /improved
- “I wonder” can be a starting point for questions that are still unanswered, and ideas.
- "I wonder" heading could also be called "What If".
Step 5
Whomever is receiving Feedback - ONLY receives their feedback - no conversation or explaining back to the feedbacker.
A simple "thank you" to the feedbacker works well.
Note words and phrases that stand out - as they may help generate ideas for the next iteration of your process.
This is not a time to defend or challenge the feedback. You can ask for clarifications and engage in further discussion at a later time.”
Step 6
Synthesize the feedback
- What can be improved?
- What works well?
- What are the next steps?
Consider using The Who/What/When Matrix to support with actions on identified next steps.