Choose your region
Time Frame

60-120 min

Group size


Facilitation lvl


Comfort zone


The main purpose of this activity is to reflect on a shared experience. Individuals will gain an idea of what the group has been through together. Use this exercise at the end of a project, program, or as a debrief as a way to draw-out learnings, celebrate highlights, and create closure. This method can be run both face-to-face and online.


Digital Whiteboard (ie: Miro or Mural)
Multi-colored markers
Roll of paper
Sticky notes
(Optional) Old Magazines, glue, scissors
(Optional) Candles

Step 1

Face-to-face Instruction

Roll out a long piece of paper (5-10 meters) on the floor or on a wall. Draw a timeline representing the period of a project or team experience. Include months and a couple of key events such as highlights and lowlights. If the project is very long - consider including the last 3-6 months.

Online Instruction

Virtual Whiteboard sample

Create a timeline on your virtual whiteboard (Miro or Mural) and draw from the instructions above.

Provide a short demo video, or send simple instructions ahead of time, if needed, for the virtual whiteboard before your workshop/meeting. You can find plenty of instructional text and video online.

Facilitator notes:

See the sample attached for an idea of how your virtual whiteboard might look over Miro or Mural.

Step 2

Have participants capture their experiences. They could include their highlights, lowlights, learnings, challenges, successes, and anything else that was important to them.

Give enough time for people (15-30 min) to capture their top experiences and place them on the timeline.

Online Instruction

Facilitator: Pre-create virtual sticky notes, emojis, etc. for people to capture their experiences and place onto the virtual whiteboard.

Consider putting on (mellow) music while the participants work.

Facilitator notes:

An alternative choice for a face-to-face session: If you have time, a creative alternative is to do this step is to use images from magazines or give them a choice to draw symbols. Spread out a large pile of old magazines, scissors, tape, and markers. Participants do "the same", but using magazine cut-outs or drawing rather than use sticky notes.

Step 3

After the map has been created, ask participants to share their top (1-3) Highs and Lows. The number of Highs/Lows they share is up to the facilitator. It depends on the group size and the time you have.

Facilitator notes:

Consider timing each person's sharing to keep on track with time. Decide how long they each get. Nominate a time-keeper if you choose.

Step 4

Optional Final Step

Have the participants reflect individually, in silence, on the experiences they have just shared and heard and chose the most important moment for them.

Give about 2-3 minutes for this step.

Then, one-by-one, participants place a sticky note or a candle (a tea light) on the moment that has been the most important to them and have them briefly describe why.

Continue until all participants have placed a candle and shared.

Online instruction: Participants use a virtual candle or sticky note.

Facilitator notes:

Think about following this exercise with a Vision workshop like Action Plan Workshop: The Arrow
