Feedback: Start, Stop, Continue
Time Frame
60-120 min
Group size
Facilitation lvl
Comfort zone
Step 1
Work in a small team or organize a larger group into groups of around 4 to 6.
If online: use breakout rooms.
This exercise is for mature teams. Groups should have spent significant time working together and have a range of shared experiences to draw from when giving feedback.
For newer or less mature groups, use a feedback exercise like Current Strongest Impression or I Appreciate.
Step 2
Give the instructions:
“Write down the name of the person you are addressing. Complete the following sentences for that person. Use the principles for effective feedback. Sign it with your name.”
You should reflect on each of the three prompts (Start, Stop, Continue) before writing, and be sure to come from a good intention.
To (name), something I would like you to:
- START doing is...
- STOP doing is...
- CONTINUE doing is...
Signed (name).
Online Instructions:
- Use virtual sticky notes, the chat function, or create a way to exchange feedback if using an online platform.
Step 3
In each smaller group, each participant completes the above sentences using one sticky note for each participant in the group.
Once all participants in a group are done writing, they deliver the feedback one-by-one, verbally, handing the sticky note to its addressee.
Online Instructions:
- Use virtual sticky notes, the chat function, or create a way to exchange feedback if using an online platform.
Step 4
Alternate Instructions:
-To (name), something I noticed you could:
- START doing is...
- STOP doing is...
- CONTINUE doing is...
Signed (your name)
-You may choose to facilitate this exercise in the order of: Stop, Start, Continue.