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west The Hyper Island Toolbox

Current Strongest Impression

Time Frame

60-120 min

Group size


Facilitation lvl


Comfort zone


Openness is one of the most important ingredients in building constructive relationships and thriving teams. Openness creates trust and trust creates more openness. This exercise aims to support groups to build trust and openness and for individuals to gain self-awareness and insight. This exercise should always be conducted with thoughtfulness and high awareness of group dynamics.


Post-it notes
Pens / Markers

Step 1

The intention of this exercise is to create a high quality of connection where people spontaneously enjoy contributing to one another’s well-being.

Work in a small team or organize a larger group into groups of around 4 to 6.

Groups should have at least some experience working together, as a basis for getting to know each other better.

Step 2

Give the instructions: “Capture the name of the person you are addressing. Complete the following two sentences for that person. Sign it with your name.”

“To _____:
My strongest impression of you up to this point is…

Something I am curious about is...
Signed, _____ ”

Online instructions: use virtual sticky notes and decide how to exchange with each via the platform you're using.

Facilitator notes:

An additional prompt that can be added is “What impression I think I’ve made on you so far…” This prompt helps participants reflect more deeply on their perceptions of their own behaviour.

Step 3

In each smaller group, each participant completes the above sentences using one sticky note for each participant in the group.

Once all participants in a group are done writing, they deliver the communication, one-by-one, verbally, handing the post-it note to its addressee afterward.

Online instructions: use virtual sticky notes and decide how to exchange with each via the platform you're using.
