Current Strongest Impression
Time Frame
60-120 min
Group size
Facilitation lvl
Comfort zone
Pens / Markers
Step 1
The intention of this exercise is to create a high quality of connection where people spontaneously enjoy contributing to one another’s well-being.
Work in a small team or organize a larger group into groups of around 4 to 6.
Groups should have at least some experience working together, as a basis for getting to know each other better.
Step 2
Give the instructions: “Capture the name of the person you are addressing. Complete the following two sentences for that person. Sign it with your name.”
“To _____:
My strongest impression of you up to this point is…
Something I am curious about is...
Signed, _____ ”
Online instructions: use virtual sticky notes and decide how to exchange with each via the platform you're using.
Step 3
In each smaller group, each participant completes the above sentences using one sticky note for each participant in the group.
Once all participants in a group are done writing, they deliver the communication, one-by-one, verbally, handing the post-it note to its addressee afterward.
Online instructions: use virtual sticky notes and decide how to exchange with each via the platform you're using.