Apple-Drawing Ideation
Time Frame
30-60 min
Group size
Facilitation lvl
Comfort zone
Step 1
Split the participants into groups of 4-6. Draw grids of roughly 30 squares on flipchart paper, one for each group (you may want to do this in advance of the session).
Step 2
Introduce the exercise to the groups. Explain that it is a simple exercise that will help them define some principles for creativity and idea generation. It will get them in a mindset of divergent thinking. And it will be fun. They will work in silence for 10-15 minutes to draw as many different kinds of apples as they can.
Step 3
They should all take pens/markers, ideally with different colours in each group.
Give them 10-15 minutes to fill their grid. Starting in the top-left square, the group members take turns drawing apples. No apple can be the same. They should be in complete silence. Relaxing background music may be appropriate.
Step 4
Stop the exercise when all of the grids and squares are filled, or the time has run out.
Step 5
Give the groups 2-3 minutes to discuss the experience and draw out learnings and insights from the exercise. You could ask reflection questions like: How was it to do this exercise? What can we learn about creativity from this exercise? What are some principles we can draw out from this?
Step 6
Bring the groups together, collating their grids in one place and standing in a horseshoe around them.
Ask the same questions as in Step 5 to the whole group and discuss any answers. Be sure to highlight the commonalities between the groups. As participants share, highlight these key insights: quantity is a condition for quality; building on the ideas of others; the ideas we come up with are usually all the same.